online mba

International Online MBA Degree

MDi Online is now offering a full range of online MBA degrees from Germany’s largest private university, International University of Applied Sciences. The specializations include Finance & Accounting, Engineering Management, International Marketing, Big Data Management, IT Management, Human Resource Management, Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Supply Chain Management, Artificial Intelligence and Healthcare Management.

This is a world-class German state-accredited degree program, 18 months duration and structured over 3 semesters worth 90 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System). The online degrees are exactly the same as the on-campus degree and are extremely affordable for all Pakistani students and professionals.

For more information about the full range of online degrees offered by MDi Online, please visit our website at, email or call 051 8480200


  • Mohammad Qamar Rao says:

    Hello there
    My name is Mohammad Qamar from Karachi, I have two years bachelor degree in economics from university of Karachi, I am self-employed with my father,am I eligible for MBA program online, wha are your requirements?
    Thank You

  • Muhammad Qasim says:

    Assalamoalaikum im Muhammad qasim from kpk lower dir and recently i am graduate from university of science and technology now a want to apply for MBA online

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